Tag Archives: Yoga

The Positive Side of Negative

Several months ago, I began having back problems. I had to reduce, almost eliminate, my normal extensive exercise schedule. I just couldn’t do what I’d always done. Healing has been maddeningly slow. I finally decided that I’d have to switch gears and thus ventured into the world of yoga. I’m in love.

I’ve found poses and stretches helpful in relieving some of the pain, but the changes in my mental state have proved most important. There is a peace in those sixty or ninety minutes that stays for hours, maybe days. I find myself returning – in my mind – to the quiet place that I experience in the yoga studio. 

I grant myself permission to be less than perfect, I encourage myself to make wise choices every day, and to make kindness a priority. I have a long journey ahead to explore different aspects of yoga practices, but it is a journey I very much look forward to.

The door to the gym, weight machines and jogs may have closed, but a new one that leads into a light-filled room has opened.

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